We are aware that with the modern technology we have and the many hair products out there, there must be some way or a way to naturally grow thinning hair but on the other hand, the side effects are also something to think about so we then ask, is there a way for us to be able to regrow hair the natural way? The answer is definitely yes! As a matter of fact, there are so many natural hair regrowth methods to which hair can be regrown in the natural manner. Methods that belong to this are the hair loss laser treatment, hair transplants and the intake of certain kinds of pills to stimulate hormones for hair growth. Although the downside here is despite being effective methods they can also be costly and have side effects. With this, we can now see how natural hair regrowth methods are much advantageous.
Different Natural Hair Regrowth for Thin Hair
Here are a few ways on how to promote natural hair regrowth for thin hair.
Home Remedies
Home remedies not only utilize natural products but is also the least expensive and effective. A commonly used natural method is utilizing the mix of cinnamon and honey to the hair. To do this, place cinnamon on a mixing bowl and add in the honey and mix it along with olive oil to come up with a pasty mixture. Place it on the entire hair also on the scalp and make sure to rinse off after 15 minutes using a shampoo. You can also use aloe vera gel and apply directly on the scalp. Experts also suggest drinking aloe vera juice for it can also help in natural regrowth of the hair that was lost. Another great idea is rubbing onion or garlic on the scalp.

Oil Massage
Making use of oil and massaging it on the scalp is one of the most natural methods in re-growing hair. You can either utilize olive oil or mix it with rosemary and jojoba oils. Other oils good for the hair are the castor oil, coconut oil and the almond oil. Just make sure that before application of the oil, heat it first and directly place on scalp moving towards the hair. During application massaging the scalp is important especially on parts where hair loss occurs in order to promote stimulation and blood circulation. Allow the oil to stay on hair for 30 minutes to an hour before rinsing or better yet leave it overnight if possible. Make sure to rinse it with a good shampoo and conditioner. Oil massages should be done at least thrice a week to achieve maximum results.
Proper Diet
Poor diet and malnutrition also greatly affect hair health and could be the cause of thinning hair. If this is the case, the most natural and best way to deal with it is to make sure you have a healthy and balanced diet. Protein is one of the vitamins that the hair greatly is in need of and this can be found of foods such as beans, cheese, fish, chicken and lots more. Always include fruits and vegetables to your food every day to ensure hair growth.
There is other way to straightening your hair as well, which means is using hair straightener to make your hair looking longer and more beauty, shiny, sleek etc. but if you use the hair straightener by yourself, we suggest only buy ceramic ion hair straightener for you hair, this will not burn or damage your hair.
Apart from these tips, do not forget to get enough rest because less sleep means stress and stress is a contributing factor to thin hair. Also learn to adapt relaxation methods that can indirectly help in keeping hair healthy.